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Nicola Farr

Fundraising Financial Advisor


My Story

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬. Life has a way of changing course as we mature into adulthood and into the plans of God.

Nicola Farr was born and raised on the small island of Jamaica. She lived with both parents  and her brother, they were all very close. Some of her fondest childhood memories are the mornings when she would gather with her family including her cousins to talk and laugh about stories her father would tell. This was a daily tradition before school and work. After the passing of her father, life has somehow drastically changed its course, things weren't the same, and being sheltered all her life and with both parents around, this change  was vigorous. At this point, Nicola now had a daughter to think about and to take care of, so she started  her own business in fashion clothing, where she sold women's apparel and Jewelry. Nicola loved being her own boss. After a few years she expanded her business venture and became the owner of a hair Salon called Lavish, located in the town of Mandeville, Manchester. She was now doing things on her own, which at times was very challenging but she never gave up.


In 2019 Nicola came to live in the United States which was completely out of the plans she  had. It seems again her life was changing lanes and she was starting over with new friends, perspectives and new job opportunities. As she  mentioned earlier life can sometimes take different directions but this was all the plan of God. Nicola however remained optimistic about where life can go, she believes that the important thing was to always learn from our journey as we grow and evolve. Same rules applied, passion, hard work, consistency with discipline and dedication, resulting in a successful business.


Nicola was asked by the founder Jodi -Ann Williams to be a part of this] organization called Beautiful Vessels Housing & Family  Development. This organization has programs such as: Housing Development, Family Development, Fatherless Girls and the list goes on. Nicola had taken part in a homeless outreach where she began to see things she had never seen before. They were persons who were homeless for all different kinds of reasons and the sight of it was atrocious. Nicola had been a part of a tight knitted family all her life and has always been sheltered  so she was never exposed to these conditions. This however resulted in her wanting them to feel that same sense of love, warmth and belonging as she did. Nicola has also had the devastating experiences of losing her father, so she wanted more than ever, to be a part of the solution to help others, finding jobs, mending relationships and becoming a great man and woman of society. So as we go forward, learn to embrace changes because it can bring some of the most effective fulfillment in our lives . 


As Galatians 6:2 state “carry each other burdens and so you will  fulfill the law of Christ “

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Beautiful Vessels Housing & Family Development is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 92-2948670. Donations are tax-deductible. ©2023 By Beautiful Vessels Housing & Family Development Inc.

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